Yesterday was Easter 2010, our first Easter as a family of 4, the twins' first Easter, etc. While going throughout the day, I tried to keep the reason for Easter in the back of my mind [the front is being taken up by the twins]. Jesus died for US, and He rose again.
We decided to take the girls to the park so that they could go play on the swings. This was their first trip to the park and their first time swinging! Tristan loved swinging and was really good at flapping her arms and flailing her legs to keep swinging. She loved it and would laugh. Trinnittie, on the other hand, enjoyed just sitting in the swing and watching other kids play at the park.
Tristan & Mommy

Enjoying the beautiful 80 degree sunny weather, we took the opportunity to get pictures outside of the girls with some pretty flowers.
Trinnittie & Tristan
This was the girls' first time sitting in the grass. Trinn seemed scared/apprehensive about it while Tristan seemed to be confused. The sun was beating down on us so we only were out in the sun for a few minutes so as not to get sunburnt!
I hope to be able to take the girls to the park by myself over the summer. I want to become more independent with taking them out. One day, it will be less work and actually fun to go out on trips. I see many outings to the park and playing outside in our future.
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